If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.
— Friedrich Nietzsche

Enjoy These Musings and Insights on Yoga and Life

Why Would You Want Two Legs Behind Your Head?
Wellness Wednesday, Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga Tutorial Harmony Slater Wellness Wednesday, Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga Tutorial Harmony Slater

Why Would You Want Two Legs Behind Your Head?

To begin… there really isn’t a good “reason” to ever put both legs behind your head! However, if you practice Ashtanga yoga following the sequencing of Sri K Pattabhi Jois, then you will inevitibly reach this tricky posture about a third of the way through the Intermediate Series.

To begin with, I would recommend spending a significant amount time in the posture that comes right before this one: Eka-Pada-Sirsasana…

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